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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Unknown | 1:40 PM |
  1. Muata Ashby-Per em heru book of enlightenment
  2. The-Pyramid-Text
  3. The-Instruction-of-Ptah-Hotep
  4. A-Chronology-of-the-Bible
  5. The-Banlet-of-Righteouesness-Ethiopian Book of the Dead
  6. Myths-of-Ife
  7. Gerald-Massey-The-Historical-Jesus-and-Mythical-Christ
  8. Godfrey-Higgins---Anacalypsis_vol_1
  9. Godfrey-Higgins---Anacalypsis_vol_2
  10. Fetha Negast- the law of kings
  11. Frances A. Yates - Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition
  12. The Lost Prophet of the Bible -Enoch the Ethiopian 
  13. The-Black-Pope-a-History-of-the-Jesuits 
  14. African-Religions-in-the-Caribbean 
  15. African-Traditional-Religion 
  16. The Black Madonna 
  17. The-history-of-the-popes-from-the-close-of-the-middle-ages-1891 
  18. Dr-John-L-Johnson-500-Questions-Answers-on-Black-Presence-in-The-Bible 
  19. Black God 
  20. Book of Enoch 
  21. Black-Religion-and-Aesthetics 
  22. Germany and the holy roman empire 
  23. The-Two-Babylons-or-the-Papal-Worship-Proved-to-be-the-Worship-of-Nimrod-His-Wife-Alexander-Hislop 
  24. Secret-Instructions-of-the-Jesuits 
  25. Buddhism 
  26. A study of deities of Rig Veda 
  27. After the Flood 
  28. Alvin Boyd Kuhn-Who Is This King Of Glory 
  29. Nicene Christian Library - Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 
  30. Apocrypha (Lost Books of The Bible) 
  31. archetype_volume_e_1 
  32. archetype_volume_e_2 
  33. archetype_volume_e_3 
  34. archetype_volume_e_4 
  35. astro-theology 
  36. Bhagvad_Gita 
  37. black-god-anthology 
  38. Caesar's Messiah - Roman Conspiracy 2 Invent Jesus 
  39. Chaldean Oracles 
  40. chilam balam 
  41. CIcero - Treatise on the nature of the gods (p.70 Diana Lucifera) 
  42. E. O. James - From Caves To Cathedral 
  43. E. O. James - The Ancient Gods 
  44. esoteric-christianity - annie besant 
  45. Hippolytus - The Refutation of All Heresies (220 AD) 
  47. I Ching - The Book Of Changes 
  48. King_James_VI-DAEMONOLOGIE(1597) 
  49. king-james-bible 
  50. laws of manu 
  51. Legends_of_the_Gods_by_E.A.Wallis_Budge 
  52. lord shiva 
  53. Lost_Christianities 
  54. Moses Maimonides-The_Guide_for_the_Perplexed 
  55. Moses-and-Monotheism 
  56. Moshe Idel - Messianic Mystics 
  57. Papal Magic Occult Practice In The Catholic Church 
  58. Ramayana 
  59. The Undead Sea Scrolls 
  60. Septuagint 
  61. The Antiquities of the Jews-Flavius Josephus 
  62. the aquarian gospel of jesus the christ 
  63. The Holy Quran 
  64. The Jesus Mysteries - Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God 
  65. The Talmud 
  67. The Thirteenth Tribe- Arthur Koesther 
  68. The_history_of_the_Negro_church 
  69. vatican_assassins 
  70. The-Holy-Piby-R-Athlyi-Rogers 
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