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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Esoteric eBook Packs

Unknown | 7:08 AM |

Esoteric eBook Pack 1: R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz
  •  R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz - The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man 
  •  R_A_Schwaller_de_Lubicz_-_Esoterism_and_Symbol
  •  R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz - Symbol and the Symbolic
  •  Schwaller-de-Lubicz-The-Temples-of-Karnak
  •  Several other eBooks
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 1 Here

Esoteric eBook Pack 2: Albert Churchward
  •  Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man
  •  Albert Churchward - The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race
  • Albert-Churchward-The-Origin-and-Evolution-of-Primative-Man
  •  Arcana of Freemasonry
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 2 Here

Esoteric eBook Pack 3: Albert Pike
  • Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma 
  • Ancient-Accepted-Scottish-Rite-of-Freemasonry-1872-Albert-Pike
  • Albert-Pike-Magnum-Opus
  • Masonic-Origines-1887-Albert-Pike
  • Indo-Aryan-Deities-Worship-Albert-Pike
  • The-Book-of-the-Words-albert-pike
  • Many more eBooks
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 3 Here

Esoteric eBook Pack 4: S Archaya
  • The Christ Conspiracy The Greatest Story Ever Sold
  • Suns of God
  • Acharya S - Plan krist
  • Who was Jesus Fingerprints of the Christ
  • Several other eBooks
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 4 Here

Esoteric eBook Pack 5: Manly P Hall
  • The-Secret-Teachings-of-All-Ages-Manly-P-Hall
  • Manly-P-Hall-The-Secret-Destiny-of-America-1944
  • The-Lost-Keys-of-Masonry-Manly-P-Hall
  •  Manly-P-Hall-The-Occult-Anatomy-of-Man
  •  Manly P. Hall - Reincarnation,  the Cycle of Necessity
  •  Manly P. Hall - Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
  • Several other eBooks
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 5 Here

 Esoteric eBook Pack 6: Francis Bacon
  • The-New-Atlantis
  • the-Chemical-Wedding
  • Francis-Bacon-and-His-Secret-Society
  • Francis-Bacon-s-Cryptic-Rhymes-and-the-Truth-They-Reveal
  • Francis-Bacon-History-of-King-Henry-VII
  •  1882-The-Works-of-Francis-Bacon
  •  The-bi-literal-cypher-of-Sir-Francis-Bacon
  • The-Impersonations-of-Francis-Bacon
  • Many more eBooks
Downlaod Link Esoteric eBook Pack 6 Here

 Esoteric eBook Pack 7:  Zecharia Stichin
  •  Sitchin - The Cosmic Code (6th Book of Earth Chronicles) (1998)
  •  Sitchin - The Lost Book Of Enki - Memories and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God 
  • Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America Lost History And Legends, Unearthed And Explored
  • Divine_Encounters
  • Sitchin - Genesis Revisited - Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge (1990)
  • Sitchin - The Lost Realms (4th Book of Earth Chronicles) (1990)
  • Sitchin - The Stairway to Heaven (2nd Book of Earth Chronicles) (1992)
  • Sitchin - The Wars of Gods and Men (3rd Book of Earth Chronicles) (2002)
  • Sitchin - When Time Began (The 5h Book Of The Earth Chronicles) (1993)
  • Stichin Z - 12th Planet
  •  there were giants upon the earth
  • Zecharia Sitchin - The End of Days Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return
  • Many more eBooks
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 7 Here

 Esoteric eBook Pack 8: Moustafa Gadalla
  • Egyptian-Mystics
  • Sacred-Geometry-and-Numerology
  • Egyptian-Cosmology
Download Link Esoteric eBook Pack 8 Here

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