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Thursday, July 21, 2011

New eBooks Coming Soon

Unknown | 12:26 PM |
1.Metu Neter Volumes 1,2, and 3
2.Sings and Symbolos of Priomodial Man Albert Churchward
3.The Historical Origins of Islam by Walter Williams
4.Black Africa The Economic and Cultural Basis for a Federated State
5.Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present
6.The African Unconscious-Roots of Ancient Mysticism an Modern Psycology
7.Egypt Child of Africa -Ivan Van Sertima
8.Abu Simbel to Ghizeh-Yosef Ben Jochannan
I also plan on scanning several books related to melanin from Richard King,Carol Barnes and Francis Cress Welsing.I should have all these books scanned within the next 2-3 weeks.
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  1. Hi! I stumbled across your library and was wondering if you had a copy of The African Unconscious-Roots of Ancient Mysticism an Modern Psychology scanned?

  2. I haven't finished scanning it yet.I should have an ebook copy ready by the end of the month.

  3. hello, i came across your site while i was looking for some books by Dr. Amos Williams and i'm really really glad i found two. I was wondering if also have these by other authors:
    "The Isis Papers" by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

    "The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys" by Jawanza Kunjufu

    thanks a lot and i can't tell you how happy i'm about this site

    1. Hotep! I dont have the isis papres or the conspiracy to destroy black boys yet, but I will in the future.As for Amos Wilson I have a few more of his books but I haven't converted them to eBooks yet.I will try to have them finished by next month.


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